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Brainstorming on Climate Change

Greetings, nerdz! This week we were assigned to use Padlet for our collaborative task. We created a KWL table on climate change. Every participant made a contribution individually.

At first, the interface seemed confusing. After some head scratches, blood, sweat, and tears, I finally figured how to add a text, and how to embed a link. The idea behind Padlet was really new for me, so I didn't have the same joy working in it. Sorry Paddie :,(

Padlet is a collaborative writing tool, so you can see the work of other participants. You can add videos, songs, gifs, and many more. Also, Padlet can be used individually, to make table-like schemes, just like Excel. Unlike Excel, however, adding multimedia is far easier.


My partners in this assignment were Sude, Sara, and Sena. Also, click here to check our Padlet page. See ya, nerdz!

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