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Farewell, for now

Now, now, don't cry. It's only temporarily. After a semester, I will come back to my mass total of 0 readers. Wooooo!

Before I took this course, I really hadn't thought about technology integration to ELT classes. I would say that I will use a course book, and maybe do listening practices on the board. My students would probably get bored. Since they will be more digitally native than me, they would lose interest in a subject much quicker than me. I've learned that through the technology, not only it is easier to learn English, but also easier to teach. By giving tasks on different fields, I learned many many tools, skills, and uses of web-pages.

My favorite task was, I guess, digital story telling since it is the only task I could do with my friends. I didn't know that I could have peers from the other section. Please inform the next generation, Ms. Kurt. The part I mostly hate was writing a blog post after every task. I mean, I guess it was necessary but still. Being a student, I must resent, you know!

Overall, I liked this course. You know, when you're doing a task, you feel all sorts of bad feelings but at the end, you look at what you accomplished and feel proud. It would be infinitely better if there weren't so many tasks piling up for the week before the finals. Thank you for everything, Ms. Kurt.

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