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Is anyone here?

It's been forever since I posted anything. So sorry for my mass total of 0 readers. Again, here I am with an assignment, how original. In our Current Issues course, we are tasked to produce a material aiming to teach the students how to use corpora affectively. For this task, I worked with Nur Duranoğlu and here is her blog.

Here you can see, we created a really nice material with visuals and style. After using this material, our students will be able to know the difference between "will" and "be going to" and use them effectively. In Step 1, we wanted our students to show their background knowledge. Next, we urged our students to use SKell, providing a hands-on approach to teach corpora in Step 2. In Step 3, our students are to work in groups and induce the reason behind why "will" or "be going to" is used in their examples. On the last step, Step 4, we wanted our students to create their own vacation plan with "will"s and "be going to"s and then act it out in front of the classroom.

At first we though "How are we gonna use corpus in our classroom? It's impossible!" but thanks to the assignment and guidance we got from Gökçe Hoca, now we know how to.

Only problem that might occur is if our guidance is vague, students may get easyly confused.

Thanks for reading. See you around next time!

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